Firefox is a Keylogger <- WTF!!

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education Recently, I found someone posted the following comment:
firefox is a keylogger.... if ur not an online gamer.. or nothing to worry to be hacked items from your game accounts then go on...

I've read many obnoxious and misleading comments. Most of the time I simply ignore them or the worst I deleted them. This comment, however, deserves my first WTF ever on this site. Does he/she even know that Firefox is open source? You can download the source code and review every single line of codes which build the software. Thousands of programmers around the world have been doing just that. Even our parents may hide some secrets from us, but Firefox lays everything out in front of you.

I am not saying that Firefox is 100% foolproof. Just like any other tools, if you're an idiot, you'll still get into trouble. However, compared to other existing browsers, Firefox is the most secure (not counting Lynx). And Firefox is certainly NOT less secure than Internet Explorer (which cave have you been hiding all this time?).